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Iyengar Yoga with Miri

Yoga means union. Yoga is the union of body with the mind and the mind with the soul... though the aim and culmination of Yoga is the sight of the sole, it has lots of beneficial side-effects, among which are health, happiness, peace and poise (The Tree of Yoga, B.K.S Iyengar).
Who should practice Yoga?
Everyone! You are welcome to join - you don’t need to be flexible, strong or young to enjoy Yoga. You can start the journey from your individual place, progress in your own pace, and enjoy the improvement in the quality of life.
Iyengar Yoga
B.K.S Iyengar teaches classical Yoga, emphasizing alignment, body balance, strength, flexibility and stamina.
All certified Iyengar Yoga teachers go through an extensive professional training.
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